
Specific goals for the children who attend Montessori are:

  • Help your child develop socially; through group-oriented activities. Children learn to cooperate, collaborate, negotiate and develop an understanding and respect for others.
  • Help your child develop intelligence and imagination, children learn by doing! Through touching, investigating and exploring. Children will become well rounded in mathematics, sensory, music, art, language, science and practical life.
  • Help your child develop a high sense of self-esteem; each new step is built on the skills that the child has already mastered, so failure is eliminated.
  • Fostering curiosity in a child; children have a natural desire to know. Curiosity is a prerequisite for creative learning.
  • Developing in your child a positive attitude towards school and learning; children should have a balance of learning and fun, structure and choice, group and individual exploration, along with uninterrupted time to explore, inquire and grow.
  • Developing your child’s habits of initiative and persistence; through choice, children become accustomed to choose their own work, which encourages leadership skills, and initiative which inspires individual growth. Trial and error.
  • Assisting your child in building good listening and concentration skills; through these experiences, your child will form positive listening, attention and concentration skills.
  • Initiating inner security, self-discipline and a sense of order; an atmosphere with a sense of order to explore, learn and have fun.
  • Helping your child develop sensory motor skills; through the activities the children gain control over their muscles and movement.
  • Encouraging your child’s senses through stimulation and sharpening his/hers ability to discriminate and judge; providing challenging sorting and matching activities which distinguishes differences and similarities in size, shape, colours, textures, smells and sounds etc.


Practical Life:

These exercises are exciting to children because they allow them to imitate adults. They learn to respect themselves and their environment.

Sensorial Exercises:

Helps the children to distinguish, categorize and relate to new information in a way they already know. They learn through touching, smelling, seeing, tasting and exploring.


If children are exposed to mathematics material in earlier years, they can easily assimilate many facts and skills of arithmetic. They learn through operations with concrete materials – blocks, number rods and beads instead of memorizing addition, subtraction and multiplication tables.

Language Arts:

Children learn phonetic sounds before they learn alphabetical names. Reading instruction begins on the day a child wants to know what a word says or when he shows interest in a Montessori activity using sandpaper letters.


Large wooden puzzle maps are the most popular activities. Gradually they learn names of provinces, countries, climate and products and animals of different countries.


Time lines are used to introduce history.

Cultural Awareness:

Children gain an awareness of the world around them by exploring other countries, their customs, foods, music, climate, language and animals.

Cooking and Nutrition:

Children study the basic food groups and learn what their bodies need to be healthy.

Arts and Crafts:

Children have the freedom to explore their imaginations with a variety of materials and crafts used for expression.

Music and Creative Movement:

Children sing action songs, play instruments and dress up

Science and Nature:

Children’s natural curiosity is stimulated through discovery projects and experiments, helping children draw their own conclusions. Plants and animals are studied to foster a love and appreciation for living things.


French is part of the weekly program. This program gives an introduction to the French language, learning simple vocabulary and basic pronunciation of French words. They are introduced to numbers, colours and simple songs.

Arrival and Pick up:

We encourage punctuality; arriving and picking up on time helps the child develop a routine. No student will be released from the school until an authorized adult picks them up. If arrangements have been made for another adult to pick up your child, the school must be notified in advance.

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